
This Is The New Style Of Music (VHS)
This Is The New Style Of Music (VHS) Complete tracklist, duration of the songs unknown...
  • Confetti's - The Sound Of C (clip)
  • Confetti's - C In China (performance)
  • Plastic Bertrand - Slave To The Beat (clip)
  • Dow Jones - Just A Techno Groove (performance)
  • Kate B. - Break Down (performance)
  • B-Art - Streetwise (clip)
  • Tragic Error - Tanzen (The Danz Mix) (clip)
  • Confetti's - C Day (performance)
  • Rhythm Device - Acid Rock (performance)
  • Liaisons D. - Heart Beat (performance)
  • Hithouse - Move Your Feet To The Rhythm Of The Beat (clip)
  • Hithouse - Jack To The Sound Of The Underground (clip)
  • Total playing time VHS cassette = approx. 50'00"
Webmaster's comments : This VHS-cassette contains a mixture of video clips and playback performances. The performances were taped at the Cherry Moon club in Lokeren, but without the presence of an audience (Would that have been too disturbing ?). Kate B. should have learned her lyrics a bit better though as she was out of sync more than once miming her lines :-). Nonetheless a nice visual reminder of a few New Beat tunes.

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