
New Beat - Take 1 (U.K. version)
New Beat - Take 1 (U.K. version) Complete tracklist, tracktimes currently unavailable...
  1. Erotic Dissidents - Move Your Ass
  2. Taste Of Sugar - Hmm, Hmm
  3. Electric Shock - Don't Talk About Sex
  4. Chinese Ways - Secrets Of China
  5. Shakti - The Awakening
  6. Beat Beat Beat - Beat In The Street
  7. Snowy Red - Euroshima-Wardance
  8. In-D - Virgin In-D Sky's
  9. Dirty Harry - D'Bop
  10. S.M. - S.M.
  11. Jade 4 U - Rainbows (instrumental)
  12. A Split Second - Flesh
  13. Kings Of Agreppo - Agreppo
  14. TNT Clan - Blow Up The D.J.
  • Total playing time = ?'?"

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